What Are Dental Implants?
Very briefly, a dental implant is a prosthesis (or artificial part) used to replace your missing tooth or teeth. Generally, it is a small titanium post or fixture that is inserted into the jawbone (watch the video on the top of this page to see how that works). There is also another piece called an abutment that connects the implant to your teeth.
Once your post is set, your tooth or teeth can be set on top. These can be a single crown (cap), a fixed bridge, a partial denture or a full denture depending on what your specific needs are.
Obviously, the implant procedure and timeline is a little more involved. We’d be happy to walk you through exactly how dental implants work when you call our office for a free consultation.
Am I a Good Candidate for Implants?
We treat many patients in Weston, Florida and almost all of them at one point or another asked, “are implants right for me?” The reality is that if you are missing just one tooth, a few teeth or even all of your teeth, you’re probably a good candidate for dental implants.
Remember – every patient that gets implants has their own specific reasons as to why they want or need them – and are motivated by different reasons (a better smile, medical reasons, an easier time chewing food or talking, etc.).
How Long Does it Take?
There are several factors that come in to play when determining how long dental implant procedures take, including your current dental health, the number of teeth involved, which teeth and if teeth need to be extracted before the implants are placed.
Implant procedures generally require a series of appointments – the initial consultation, visits for pre-implant work, the placing of the implant, making impressions and final placement. This is just a quick overview. To discuss your dental implant options with our doctor, please call us today.
What Are The Advantages of Getting Dental Implants?
The main advantage of getting dental implants is that they provide a solution to a problem. They’re a replacement for a missing tooth or teeth after dental decay, gum disease, accidents and other common problems. For most people, the implants can last a lifetime and are not subject to dental decay. And certainly, having new teeth is great for your confidence, your appearance and your ability to eat the foods you want.
How Much do Dental Implants Cost in Weston, Florida?
A common question we’re asked is, “how much do dental implants cost and will insurance cover it?” The real answer is, “it depends.”
Every patient has different needs. Every patient will require customized implant solutions based on upon a variety of factors – for example, how many teeth are being replaced or what sort of dental work may need to be done prior to implant surgery. Insurance plans and coverage differ as well. Financing plans for dental implants are an options for many of our patients.
Once we’re able to evaluate your needs, we can begin to provide you with an understanding of what you might expect to pay.
Is the Dental Implant Surgery Painful?
We can honestly say that most patients experience little to no discomfort. Many patients are surprised to hear that, but it’s true. That fear of pain is actually one big reason why people delay getting dental implants that they know they need. They’re worried about pain, during and after the procedures.
Here at our office, we pride ourselves on making visits to our office as comfortable as possible. In fact, if you read the reviews from our patients, many point out how pain free and comfortable their experience was.
Certainly, every patient’s reaction to surgical procedures is different. Let’s talk about your concerns and how we work to make your experience great – call or contact us today for a free consultation with Dr. Malik.